Keep windows closed when pollen counts are high
Understanding Eye Allergies
Why do Eyes Itch from Allergens?
Eye allergies occur when your body overreacts to foreign substances called allergens. The immune system begins making antibodies that cause your eyes to release histamine, causing inflammation and itching.
Let’s focus on the causes, signs and symptoms of your eye allergies so you can take steps to finding relief.
Why do Eyes Itch from Allergens?
Eye allergies occur when your body overreacts to foreign substances called allergens. The immune system begins making antibodies that cause your eyes to release histamine, causing inflammation and itching.
Let’s focus on the causes, signs and symptoms of your eye allergies so you can take steps to finding relief.
Allergens You Should Know
Allergens are everywhere and can be more or less prevalent based on different seasons of the year.
Encountered Outdoors Seasonally
As plants grow and flowers bloom, they release a powdery substance called pollen which can travel for miles on breezy days. Pollen counts vary by season and plant types in various locations. Use our pollen forecast tool to see the effects in your area.

Encountered Outdoors Seasonally
Pollens in grass are lightweight and spread easily through the air, especially after yard work. While grass pollens are typically at their highest during late spring, they can continue to be an issue through the summer and fall. Use our pollen forecast tool to monitor intensity in your area.
Encountered Outdoors Throughout Late Summer and Early Fall
The pollen of a ragweed is so small and light it is almost impossible to avoid. Found everywhere in the U.S., Ragweed pollen is a major cause of seasonal allergies including hay fever. Use our pollen forecast tool to see if ragweed is impacting your area.

Pet Dander
Encountered Indoors Year-Round
Proteins in the dead skin cells of pets are a leading cause of pet-related eye allergies, especially in cold winter months when pets are indoors longer than usual.
Tips for Dealing with Eye Allergies

Tips for Dealing with Eye Allergies

Was your hands after petting animals

Wear sunglasses outside

Talk to your eye doctor about which eyedrops are right for you